My Second Trip to MD Anderson for Scans & Rotary House Hotel stay

On August 18th, I went back to MD Anderson. I met with my head and neck surgeon for the first time, who specializes in salivary gland disease. He explained to me how severe my salivary glands were. Eventually, they will have to be taken out. Something I do not want at all. This will lead to scars on my face and needing false teeth because they will fall out. For now, I can tolerate the pain. If it gets to the point where I am having trouble biting down on foods daily, then it'll be an issue to be genuinely concerned about. Currently, it is a weekly issue. There are certain foods I do avoid eating because of my salivary gland disease.  Examples of this include burgers which are painful to bite down on. Something as simple as chewing gum or sucking on sugar-free lemon drops or candy is impossible. Since being diagnosed in 2012, I have learned what I should be avoiding and continue to manage these infections until I physically cannot anymore. 

I also met with an ob-gyn for the first time regarding multiple cysts on my ovaries. She thinks I have endometriosis, and the next time I return to MDA, I will have that test done.

I had a head and neck ultrasound later in the day, and they discovered more lymph nodes we must watch closely. Currently, we are watching and waiting because their current size (2.9cm) isn’t that big of a concern. Having to undergo another surgery is too much on me and my body. Luckily, no biopsies were needed, which will be a concern six months from now. The doctors noticed the lymph nodes behind my voice box grew a bit more again. Everything is a watch and was currently 14 changed up. I was changing my dose to 200mg of IV Synthroid daily to see if that makes a difference.

Finally, I saw my Endocrine team at the end of the day to discuss dosage change and ultrasound. I will be back in 6 months for a follow-up of scans to see where I am. 

MDA Rotary House , is a hotel dedicated to the patients of MD Anderson Cancer Center. It was a great experience and a beautiful hotel. It was Extremely clean and convenient to get to MD Anderson hospital. Depending on the floor you're on all you have to do is take level 2 to get to the sky bridge which enters MD Anderson which happens to be the same floor the Rotary Hotel restaurant and shop is. They also have Starbucks as well. In order to enter, you have to switch your mask to theirs and use hand sanitizer due to Covid19. It is extraordinarily convenient and was such an easy experience for me. Once you’re finished with all your appointments, you take level 3 in the hospital to get back to the Rotary hotel.

Check out my pictures below! It was a great stay and the bed was so comfortable. I love the fact that the Rotary hotel had a sharps container because I’m on IV medications. No other hotel locally has that option and it was exciting to see. 

My first time we stayed at the Hilton Hotel. It was extremely stressful trying to figure out where to put my needles. I ended up having to bring them to MDA for them to dispose of the needles for me. Totally awesome that Rotary hotel has this in their bathroom. I highly recommend Rotary House to those of you that are MDA patients.

 In order to stay at the rotary hotel, you have to provide your patient information from MDA in order to stay there. They also check your schedule to make sure you have booked appointments. It was a great stay and I didn’t have to take a taxi cab daily to the hospital which saved time and money. I will definitely be staying here again and appreciate all that they do! 

🤟🏻 Danielle


ENT Oncologist Appointment


First Trip to MD Anderson